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Saturday, February 5, 2022


Soil origin & type

⇒father →Dr. Karl Terzaghi
⇒Pedogenesis: process of soil formation
⇒geological cycle : Weathering → transportation →deposition →upheavel →wheathering & repeat.
 ⇒Residual soil : bentonite
 ⇒Glacial soil : till, drift ,glacier deposit
 ⇒ colluvial /talus : Gravity deposit ,found in valley
 ⇒muck or peat : swamp & march deposit

⇒Alluvial : river deposit, dark in colour
⇒black cotton soil : low shearing strength , more swelling & shrinkage due to montmorillonite.
⇒Loess : wind blown, collapsible, (0.1mm - 0.05mm), yellowish or pallor colour.
⇒Loam : mix of sand silt & clay; best for plant growth & garden.
⇒Bentonite : a clay ,formed from volcanic ash by chemical action,used as lubricant.
⇒Peat : organic soil ,wind blown
★soil containing organic matters are of spongy nature.


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