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Friday, February 4, 2022


Human eye light phenomenon

Humen Eye :
⇒basically a convex lens
⇒least distance of distinct vision = 25cm
⇒iris : ctrl size of pupil ←focus light
⇒Retina : real & inverted image of obj.

i) Myopia/short sightedness :
⇒can see near obj but not far
⇒diverging (concave lens)
ii) Hyperopia / hypermetropia/longshightedness :
⇒can see far but not near
⇒Converging (convex lens)
iii) Presbyopia : 
⇒elderly person : nearby obj can't seen
⇒Bifocal lens or two separate lens.
iv) Astigmatism:
⇒cylindrical lens.
v) Cataract : 
⇒crystalline lens become milky & cloudy at old age

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